This issue of bulletin is dedicated to recycling, waste management, waste water management and water management in Serbia. We wanted to inform you about new legislative and laws. There are numerous interviews like the one with Radmila Šerović from Ministry of Agriculture and Environmental Protection. She said: “Waste Materials Of One Industry Will Become Raw Materials of Another”. Mr Veljković from Agency for Enviromental Protection of Serbia claims that: “There is Constatly Fewer Water Resources, Better Management is Necessary”.
Ms Jelena Plavanski from Belgrade Chamber of Commerce informed us that we should expect investments of 6 billion euros for waste water treatment. Miteco company presented their bussines plan for solid waste. You can find very useful and important information about municilalities like Arilje and Bajna Bašta which made huge success in treatment of waste. There are a few interviews with representatives from international business sector etc. You can read our fifth bulletin here.