New International Solid Waste Association President Inaugurated

Photo: Pixabay

At the ISWA Congress 2016 in Novi Sad, Serbia Antonis Mavropoulos was formally elected and inaugurated as the new President of the International Solid Waste Association.

A Chemical Engineer by profession, Antonis has worked tirelessly over many years as founder and CEO of D-Waste, as well as in his capacity as  Chair of ISWA’s Scientific and Technical Committee. He also operates a second waste consultancy, EPEM.

Antonis has also completed more than 150 projects in 15 different countries and he has worked as an Associated Researcher of National Technical University of Athens (NTUA).

Travelling the world ISWA’s new President is known for sharing his knowledge and vision of a Wasteless Future. When not travelling he works from his office in the beautiful and historic city of Athens, Greece.

Readers of Waste Management World will already be well acquainted with Antonis through his articles exploring the future of waste management, the technologies of the future and the move towards a more circular economy, which are among the most popular articles on this website.

In addition to all of that, Antonis somehow finds time to encourage innovative crowd-sourcing projects that can involve thousands of experts.

“Let’s map the world’s most innovative start-ups related to recycling and waste management,” he says. “Let’s share insights on how social and technological innovation can reshape the recycling and waste management industry.”

Antonis replaces the outgoing President, David Newman.

David dedicated four years to ISWA, promoting sustainable waste management for all and bringing the issue to the forefront at organisations such as the United Nations. He used such platforms to call for better environmental and economic justice for those in low and middle income countries.

As ISWA’s official publication we’re sure our readers will offer Antonis a warm welcome to the role, and will thank David for all of the time, hard work and effort over the past four years.


