UNIDO and Japan External Trade Organization to Jointly Support Developing Countries on Path of Inclusive and Sustainable Industrialization

The United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO) and the Japan External Trade Organization (JETRO) will work closely to support the needs of developing countries by promoting trade and investment between Japan and the developing countries in line with the concept of inclusive and sustainable industrial development.

A memorandum of understanding on this was signed today by LI Yong, the Director General of UNIDO, and Hiroyuki Ishige, the Chairman and CEO of JETRO. They are attending the Sixth Tokyo International Conference on African Development (TICAD-VI) taking place in the capital of Kenya.

The new partnership will allow UNIDO and JETRO to develop joint cooperation projects and activities aimed at enhancing sustainable industrialization in developing countries and the economies in transition through promoting trade and investment.

Established in 1958 as an entity that would promote Japanese exports abroad, JETRO’s current focus is on encouraging foreign direct investment into Japan and helping small and medium Japanese firms maximize their global export potential.

Source: unido.org

