Today We Celebrate International Day of Rivers – Our Rivers, Our Future

The International Day of Rivers, observed annually on March 14, carries the theme this year: „Our Rivers, Our Future”

Rivers are vital natural resources – they provide water for drinking, agriculture, industry, and energy production while also serving as habitats for numerous plant and animal species, significantly contributing to biodiversity and ecological balance.

However, climate change, pollution, and unsustainable practices increasingly threaten their health, requiring urgent action at both global and local levels.

In Serbia, rivers face specific challenges. Pollution, primarily due to insufficient wastewater treatment infrastructure, poses a serious threat. The small number of treatment facilities results in large amounts of industrial and municipal wastewater being discharged into rivers, further degrading their natural ecosystems and endangering many plant and animal species.

For instance, according to data from the Statistical Office of the Republic of Serbia for 2022, as much as 81.5 percent of the total wastewater volume in the country remains untreated, significantly contributing to the degradation of aquatic ecosystems.

The International Day of Rivers reminds us of the importance of actively preserving rivers and calls for better management of these invaluable resources to ensure their sustainability and health for future generations.


On this occasion, the Public Water Management Company „Srbijavode” issued a statement emphasizing its active participation in the protection and improvement of Serbia’s water resources.

„As a long-standing member of the International Commission for the Protection of the Danube River and the International Sava River Basin Commission, JVP ‘Srbijavode’ actively works to improve international cooperation in water resource protection, flood prevention, and water quality. Through preventive flood protection measures, including the construction and maintenance of embankments, canals, and other water management infrastructure, we contribute to joint efforts to preserve and sustainably use water resources”, the statement from JVP „Srbijavode” reads.

In addition to the International Day of Rivers, World Rivers Day is celebrated every fourth Sunday in September as a tribute to the world’s waterways. This global event was initiated by internationally recognized river advocate Mark Angelo, building on the success of British Columbia’s Rivers Day, which he first launched in 1980.

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