Paving the way towards a sustainable energy future

The 21st Energy Community Ministerial Council will take place on 14 December in Vienna under the presidency-in-office of Albania of the Energy Community.

The Council will be chaired by Deputy Prime Minister of Albania, Belinda Balluku and the Deputy Director General for the European Commission Directoral General for Energy (DG ENER), Mechthild Wörsdörfer.

Photo-illustration: Freepik (

The Ministerial Council is expected to discuss:

  • New Acquis 2023
  • The Energy Community Budget for 2024/2025
  • Implementation of the Treaty
  • Development of the Decarbonisation Roadmap
  • The Transfer of the Presidency, and other significant matters.

The comprehensive agenda is available here.

About Energy Community

The Energy Community is an international organisation which brings together the European Union and its neighbours to create an integrated pan-European energy market. The organization was founded by the Treaty establishing the Energy Community signed in October 2005 in Athens, Greece, in force since July 2006. The key objective of the Energy Community is to extend the EU internal energy market rules and principles to countries in South East Europe, the Black Sea region and beyond on the basis of a legally binding framework.

The Energy Community has nine Contracting Parties – Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kosovo*, North Macedonia, Georgia, Moldova, Montenegro, Serbia and Ukraine. The European Union is a Party to the Energy Community Treaty. Represented by the European Commission, it serves as a permanent Vice-President of the organization. Any European Union Member State may obtain the status of a Participant.

Armenia, Norway and Türkiye take part as Observers.

About Ministerial Council

The Energy Community Ministerial Council serves as the highest decision-making body, convening annually to establish crucial priorities and guide the execution of the Treaty.

Source: Energy Community

