On 23 May, the Agency for the Cooperation of Energy Regulators (ACER) and the Energy and Water Services Commission of North Macedonia (ERC) signed an agreement that formalizes ERC’s participation in ACER’s electricity working group. This follows an assessment of the Energy Community Secretariat on compliance of North Macedonia with Third Package requirements in the electricity sector and regulatory independence as well on environmental, competition, climate and renewables performance.
The President of ERC and the Energy Community Regulatory Board, Marko Bislimoski, underlined: “We feel very privileged to join EU regulatory discussions on electricity, as only the second Energy Community Contracting Party regulator to do so. The direct knowledge exchange with our European counterparts will allow us to further strengthen electricity market integration with our EU neighbours”.
Director of the Energy Community Secretariat, Artur Lorkowski said: “ERC’s participation in ACER’s electricity working structures is a much deserved achievement that reflects the regulator’s continuous efforts to drive electricity market reform pro-actively and independently. This is pivotal for making energy markets fit for decarbonisation and securing affordable energy”.
Source: Energy Community