Last Saturday in center of Zagreb, the attention of passers-by is captured by a clock whose alarm rings to wake up the whole human race.
Every hour counts down and warns of the fact that we lose one species almost every hour on Earth. WWF Adria, in cooperation with Bruketa & Žinić & Gray and Dept, and Go2Digital, set it up today, the last Saturday in March, when Earth Hour is traditionally celebrated around the world.
According to the latest State of the Planet Report, published in September 2020, the size of the populations of mammals, birds, fish, amphibians and reptiles has decreased by a worrying 68 per cent since 1970. This is a consequence of the expansion of global trade, consumption, population growth and accelerated urbanization, as a result of which species lose their habitats or are hunted and become extinct.
“Our relationship with nature has been damaged. The accelerated destruction of nature, as a result of human activities, has catastrophic impacts not only on wildlife populations, but also on human health and all other aspects of our lives. We lose one species almost every hour in the world. Our time is running out and if we want nature to recover, we must act immediately “, warned Nataša Kalauz, Executive Director of WWF Adria.
That the clock is ticking on some species in our vicinity, the people of Croatia can see on numerous advertising screens in our cities where there are photos of some of the most endangered species in the region, such as the Balkan lynx, olm or Mediterranean monk seal.
Among the greatest threats to wildlife are crimes against nature that include illegal hunting and fishing, the killing of protected species, illegal trade and smuggling, and the illegal capture and possession of wildlife. On the WWF Adria website, you can find information on other ways to prevent biodiversity loss. We can preserve the wealth and beauty of the world around us together, say WWF Adria, adding that in this time of great divisions and conflicts, we must not forget that we all share this planet and must take care of it together.
The Earth Hour can be marked by any of us, by turning off the lights from 20:30h, and the same will happen in the squares and sights of many of our and the world’s cities.
Source: WWF Adria